Venue Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 26/04/24

Warp Point provides live, interactive quizzes to venues free of charge. By signing up to show a Warp Point quiz, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

Your Responsibilities


Our quizzes have several prizes on offer that players have a chance of winning, which can be divided into two types - vouchers, and jackpots. For the jackpot, we handle the entire fulfilment process - but for the vouchers, it's up to the venue to fulfil the prize.

In most of our quizzes, there are several vouchers available - both monetary (e.g. a £5 voucher), and those for specific items (e.g. a free drink). All prizes are handled through our prizing system, with winners being sent an email with a link to our prize redemption page, which lists the player's details, along with where they were playing from.

Upon the player showing a member of staff a valid prize redemption page, you agree to press the "Redeem" button, and provide the player either with a physical voucher of the same amount, or deduct the cost of the item directly from their bill - whichever is easiest for the venue. Venues are free to choose how to award prize vouchers, and their decision is final. For more information on the prizing process, please click here.

Venues may decide, on an individual basis, to put limits on what vouchers can and cannot be used against. For example, you may decide that a "free drink" voucher may exclude drinks over a certain price, while a "£5 voucher" may only be able to be redeemed against food. This decision is the venue's and the venue's alone. When presented with a valid prize redemption page, all we ask is that you must explain to the winner what it can and can't be redeemed against.

All decisions about winners are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.


By registering for the quiz, you are agreeing to show the quiz in your pub. However, you are under no obligation to continue to do so, and can back out at any time.

If, for any reason, you should decide to stop participating in the quiz, please make sure you tell us first. We sometimes run advertising campaigns to try and drive extra players to quizzes, so knowing in advance will be helpful for everyone. You can unsubscribe from the quiz by visiting this page.

Limitation of Liability

Warp Point will not be liable (whether under contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) for:

  1. losses that were not caused by our breach of these terms;
  2. any loss or damage that was not, at the time the relevant contract with you was formed, a reasonably foreseeable consequence of our breaching these terms;
  3. losses relating to any business of yours, loss of profits, or loss of opportunity; or
  4. loss of data stored on our platform, or inability to access data.

Privacy Policy

By using this website, you agree to our privacy policy.

Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of England and Wales.